Past Sales Patterns that formed Gameco's Current Understanding

This chart illustrates that, from 1980-2016, North America sold more units of games than Europe and Japan. From 1996 to 2010 North America vastly outsold the other two regions.

Global Sales by Percentage

When examining the sales history by percentage of the total global market, an interesting phenomenon emerges. The European market is slowly but steadily growing, more rapidly growing beginning in 1995.

FIFA Games
The Key to the European Market

In 2016, Electronic Arts held over 25% of the European Market. Almost 80% of those units were of one game – FIFA 1.


  • Europe is an up and coming region in the Video Game Market
    • Increase the European portion of the marketing budget
  • FIFA 17 carried over 20% of the European Sales
    • Create a splash in this market by creating a European football game backed by a large sales promotion
  • Since the percentage of Japanese sales have begun to rise again in 2015, it may be advantageous to spend a larger portion of the remaining sales budget in Japan, rather than North America. However, before specific recommendations can be made for those markets, more research is necessary.