Target advertising during the busiest hours of the day:
7:00 am - 7:00 pm

Target advertising during the busiest days of the week:
Monday & Sunday

In terms of parent and age brackets, Instacart's largest customer demographic is made up of parents over 30

Parents, regardless of income, order more than customers without children. The departments they order from most are Produce and Dairy/Eggs.


  • Advertise during times when Instacart can reach the most customers
    • Busiest times of day: 7:00am - 7:00pm
    • Busiest days of the week: Sunday & Monday
  • Parents order far more than people without children
    • There is room for growth in this market for all categories, especially snacks, beverages and frozen food
    • Advertise to people without children focusing on products aimed at 1 or 2 people, both frozen and fresh

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