
Send staff to the states with the highest rate of flu morbidity …


... and the largest vulnerable populations.

Variable Criteria

As illustrated in this scatter plot grid, the variable, Death, is highly correlated with the population variables, <5 and >65. Since the Death and Visits variables are not highly correlated, the Death and Visits variables are used to determine which states will receive additional staff.

Where to Send Additional Staff

Florida, New York, California, Texas, Illinois
based on the states with the highest amount of the sum of Death and Visits.

There is one exception in the order of the recommentation list. It is suggested that California be sent a higher percent of staff despite the sum of Death and Visits being lower than in Texas. Compared to Texas, California has a higher amount of deaths and a lower amount of visits, suggesting that if more medical resources are available, there may be a lower rate of death.

WHEN to Send Staff
First week of OCTOBER

  • Allows for staff training before the flu surge
  • Staff may provide preventative care
    • Vaccinations
    • Population education